Hi I'm Barb the spider who is spinning this website, and boy
what a web it is!! it seems to be growing and changing all the time. When I'm
not working on the website I'm creating Montages for pards to enjoy... it's
the stuff with the St Barb signature.
Eleanor is the main fanfiction writer; her works can only
be found on this web site. Her stories are Ezracentric, in that Ezra Standish
is the featured character and often the catalyst for the interaction in the
story. However, all of the seven are featured in the stories: in the short ones
she guarantees at least a good moment and line for your favourite,
and in the longer ones at least one good scene and plot mechanism.
Donna is the editor. To say that she is just the editor is such an understatement.
She is our editor, information finder and Snappy expert extraordinaire, but
most of all she is our moral support - without her I don't suppose any of this
would have ever got going.........a great friend and giggle partner!!
A final word of thanks to my hubby, whose tolerence and patience
never ceases to amaze me and whose love is so strong that he doesn't mind me
spending all my down time staring at another man!!